On the Inner Way

Pedagogical Notes about Personal Formation


  • Francesco Bossio University of Calabria




education, formation, person, relationality, phenomenology


In the complex society and the digital revolution, in order to ascend to his authentic original dimension, the person must cultivate the desire to look within himself, starting from his inner reality, trying to recompose the threads of fragmented individual existence in directions of meaning and significance. Inner development is characterized as continuous becoming as the person is continually striving for self-improvement. Education is entrusted with the task of activating formative dialectics such as to direct the person to acquire self-awareness and the capacity for harmonious relationships with others, so as to rise to properly human dimensions of existence.

Keywords: Education, Formation, Person, Relationality, Phenomenology



How to Cite

Bossio, F. (2024). On the Inner Way: Pedagogical Notes about Personal Formation. Paideutika, (39), 33–44. https://doi.org/10.57609/paideutika.vi39.7086